policy & legislation

This section contains information on Canadian child welfare legislation and policy. In Canada, child welfare services are provincially and territorially funded and legislated, with the exception of federally funded services to First Nations peoples living on reserves. In accordance with individual agreements negotiated between First Nations communities, provincial/territorial governments, and the federal government, an increasing number of First Nations are delivering child and family services in accordance with provincial and territorial child welfare laws.

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Title Year of Publication
Mémoire de l'ACJQ: présenté à la commission des institutions sur le projet de Loi 94 «Loi établissant les balises encadrant les demandes d'accommodements dans l'administration gouvernementale et dans certains établissements»
Position de l’Association des centres jeunesse du Québec devant le comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne Étude du projet de loi C-4 Loi modifiant la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents et apportant des modif
Report on the Review of the Child and Family Services Act: Building Stronger Families
Report to the Standing Committee on Social Programs of the16th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories: Review of the Child and Family Services Act
Review of the Child and Family Services Act: Summaries of Five Focus Groups Held in Yellowknife NWT
Towards Sustainable Child Welfare in Ontario: First Report from the Commission
Child and Youth Advocate Act
Legislative Review of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, S.N.L. 1998, c. C-12.1, as amended - Consultations discussion guide
Mémoire de l'ACJQ: Présenté à la commission parlementaire sur l'avant-projet de loi modifiant le code civil et d'autres dispositions législatives en matière d'adoption et d'autorité parentale
Journal article
Protection of Children from Physical Maltreatment in Canada: Evaluation of the Supreme Court’s Definition of Reasonable Force