Living in a world of neglect: S.A.I.N. helps families move on

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CECW Information Sheet #12E. Montreal, QC: Institut de recherche pour le développement social des jeunes.

For over 10 years, the members of the group for research and action on neglect (known by its French acronym, GRIN) have been studying the complex issue of child neglect. They have come to refer to neglect as a “world,” a sort of neighbourhood, in which isolated, vulnerable families—the poorest of the poor—struggle to survive.

S.A.I.N. stands for “Service d’aide intégré en négligence” (or “integrated assistance for dealing with neglect”). The S.A.I.N. model proposes a move. A move for parents and children who need to turn their lives around. A move for caseworkers, who are urged to review their perceptions and received ideas about those who live in the world of neglect.

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