
Provinciales & territoriales
Titre Provinces / Territoires Année Trier par ordre décroissant
Transmission intergénérationnelle de la maltraitance : étude des liens entre les facteurs de protection et les facteurs de risque auprès d’une population de mères en difficulté Quebec
Children and youth in care in British Columbia: An epidemiological review of mortality British Columbia
Entente multisectorielle relative aux enfants victimes d’abus sexuels, de mauvais traitements physiques ou d’une absence de soins menaçant leur santé physique Quebec
Supporting young people's transition from government care research project British Columbia
Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 1998 (CIS-1998): Final Report National
Creating a Climate of Safety: An Evaluation of the School Based Child Welfare Social Worker Program in Huron and Renfrew Counties Ontario
Quebec Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse, Neglect, Abandonment and Serious Behaviour Problems (EIQ) Quebec
The Changing Face of Child Welfare Investigations in Ontario: Ontario Incidence Studies of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS 1993/1998) Ontario
Recruitment and Retention in Child Welfare Services: A Survey of Child Welfare League of Canada Member Agencies National
Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 1998 (OIS-1998) Ontario
Pilot Study: The Child Welfare System and Homelessness among Canadian Youth National
Portrait des interventions visant l’insertion socioprofessionnelle et la préparation à la vie autonome dans les centres jeunesse du Québec Quebec
The Economic Costs and Consequences of Child Abuse in Canada National
In the Best Interests of Children and Mothers: A Proposed Child Welfare Response to Violence Against Women Ontario
Child and Family Development Service Standards British Columbia