Outcome Evaluation of The Fast Track Program

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Canadian Outcomes Research Institute, Calgary: 41 pages.

The Fast Track Program was developed as an early intervention program for at-risk, school-aged children with the aim of preventing the development of serious behavioural issues associated with conduct and anti-social problems. The intervention is based upon significant research from the United States using a multi-faceted approach in the school, at home, and in educational groups. Implemented in Calgary, this Fast-Track Pilot Project was a long-term intervention program following children at the beginning of the first grade and continued for five and six years. Education Facilitators helped to implement a classroom-wide cognitive and social-development curriculum (PATHS), and also provided classroom support, facilitated skill practice groups for the target children and oversee a tutoring program. Family Facilitators provided in-home support. The Family Facilitators also provided parenting groups and helped to create a better relationship between the home and the school.

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