problèmes de comportement

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Article de journaux
An examination of delinquency in a national Canadian sample of child maltreatment-related investigations
Article de journaux
Childhood adversity and the risk of substance use and delinquency: The role of protective adult relationships
Feuillet d'information
Tableaux supplémentaires sur les données principales de l’ECI-2008 : Problèmes de fonctionnement chez l’enfant selon les principaux mauvais traitements corroborés et le risque de futurs mauvais traitements
Article de journaux
Emotion regulation and psychopathology in a sample of maltreated children
Évaluation des processus et des effets du programme IRI-Accueil du CJM-IU : Rapport final d’évaluation
Feuillet d'information
Organization-Level Responses to Developmental Trauma for Adopted Children and Families in Ontario: Key Informant Perspectives III
Article de journaux
Replication of the KEEP foster and kinship parent training program for youth with externalizing behaviors
Article de journaux
Subtypes of exposure to intimate partner violence within a Canadian child welfare sample: Associated risks and child maladjustment
Article de journaux
The relationship between dimensions of physical abuse and aggressive behavior in a child protective services involved sample of adolescents
Article de journaux
Understanding contextual effects on externalizing behaviors in children in out-of-home care: Influence of workers and foster families