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Feuillet d'information
A Profile of Investigations with a Noted Child Functioning Concern of FAS/FAE in Canada in 2008
Feuillet d'information
A Profile of Investigations with a Noted Child Functioning Concern of FAS/FAE in Ontario in 2008
Article de journaux
Child protection services and parents with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Article de journaux
Child welfare responses linked to subtypes of exposure to intimate partner violence: Evidence from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect
Feuillet d'information
Tableaux supplémentaires sur les données principales de l’ECI-2008 : Âge de la personne s’occupant de l’enfant selon les principaux mauvais traitements corroborés et le risque confirmé de futurs mauvais traitements
Article de journaux
Correlates of admitted sexual interest in children among individuals convicted of child pornography offenses
Article de journaux
Depression, parenting and the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Results from three nationally representative cross-sectional surveys
Equity Concerns in the Context of COVID-19: A Focus on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Communities in Canada
Article de journaux
Individual- and relationship-level factors related to better mental health outcomes following child abuse: Results from a nationally representative Canadian sample
Article de journaux
Is the cluster risk model of parental adversities better than the cumulative risk model as an indicator of childhood physical abuse?: Findings from two representative community surveys