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Year of Publication
Titre Année de publication
Article de journaux
Predictors of placement instability for sexually abused children served by child protection services
Feuillet d'information
Loving Our Children: Finding What Works for First Nations Families
Document d'information. Kiskisik Awasisak: N’oublions pas les enfants. Comprendre la surreprésentation des enfants des Premières Nations dans le système de protection de l’enfance
Article de journaux
Individual- and relationship-level factors related to better mental health outcomes following child abuse: Results from a nationally representative Canadian sample
Article de journaux
Child abuse and physical health in adulthood
Article de journaux
In whose words? Struggles and strategies of service providers working with immigrant clients with limited language abilities in the violence against women sector and child protection services
Article de journaux
Factors predicting central details in alleged child sexual abuse victims’ disclosure
Article de journaux
Characteristics of sexually abused children and their nonoffending mothers followed by child welfare services: The role of a maternal history of child sexual abuse
Article de journaux
Establishing a good relationship with foster parents after issues with their performance: Experiences of foster parent resource workers
Article de journaux
Child maltreatment and intimate partner violence among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians