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Year of Publication
Titre Année de publication
Article de journaux
The overrepresentation of First Nations children in the Ontario child welfare system: A call for systemic change
Article de journaux
The differential association of socioeconomic vulnerabilities and neglect-related child protection involvement across geographies: Multilevel structural equation modeling
Article de journaux
Young mothers’ use of and experiences with mental health care services in Ontario, Canada: a qualitative descriptive study
Article de journaux
Parent-Child Separations and Mental Health among First Nations and Métis Peoples in Canada: Links to Intergenerational Residential School Attendance
Article de journaux
Adolescent health outcomes: associations with child maltreatment and peer victimization
Article de journaux
The protective role of internal/external factors on Covid-19 related stressors among resource parents
Feuillet d'information
Investigation and placement types in off reserve investigations involving First Nations children aged 0-17 in Canada in 2019
Feuillet d'information
Investigation and placement types in on reserve investigations involving First Nations children aged 0-17 in Canada in 2019.
Feuillet d'information
Child characteristics in off reserve investigations involving First Nations children aged 0-17 in Canada in 2019
Feuillet d'information
Child characteristics in on reserve investigations involving First Nations children aged 0-17 in Canada in 2019