facteurs de risque

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Article de journaux
Stress generation in adolescence: Contributions from Five-Factor Model (FFM) personality traits and childhood maltreatment
Feuillet d'information
A Profile of Investigations with a Noted Child Functioning Concern of FAS/FAE in Canada in 2008
Feuillet d'information
A Profile of Investigations with a Noted Child Functioning Concern of FAS/FAE in Ontario in 2008
Article de journaux
Long-term depression and suicidal ideation outcomes subsequent to emancipation from foster care: Pathways to psychiatric risk in the Métis population
Article de journaux
Long-term depression and suicidal ideation outcomes subsequent to emancipation from foster care: Pathways to psychiatric risk in the Métis population.
Métis Children and Families and the Child Welfare System: An Urban Winnipeg Perspective
Article de journaux
The relationship between dimensions of physical abuse and aggressive behavior in a child protective services involved sample of adolescents
Feuillet d'information
Tableaux supplémentaires sur les données principales de l’ECI-2008 : Âge de la personne s’occupant de l’enfant selon les principaux mauvais traitements corroborés et le risque confirmé de futurs mauvais traitements
Article de journaux
Is the cluster risk model of parental adversities better than the cumulative risk model as an indicator of childhood physical abuse?: Findings from two representative community surveys
Article de journaux
Promotive and risk factors as concurrent predictors of educational outcomes in supported transitional living