impacts & traumatismes

Les études des séquelles psychologiques et physiques de la violence et de la négligence envers les enfants explorent les répercussions de la maltraitance sur le fonctionnement psychologique et physique.

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Title Year of Publication
Article de journaux
Exploring networks of complex developmental trauma symptomatology among children and adolescents involved in child welfare.
Article de journaux
Indigenous Service Provider Perspectives of an Online Education Module to Support Safe Clinical Encounters about Family Violence in Canada
Feuillet d'information
Mobilizing Knowledge on Developmental Trauma for Adopted Children and Families in Ontario: Key Informant Perspectives IV
Feuillet d'information
Organization-Level Responses to Developmental Trauma for Adopted Children and Families in Ontario: Key Informant Perspectives III
Feuillet d'information
Service-Level Responses to Developmental Trauma for Adopted Children and Families in Ontario: Key Informant Perspectives II
Article de journaux
Multisystemic Therapy - Building Stronger Families (MST-BSF): Substance misuse, child neglect, and parenting outcomes from an 18-month randomized effectiveness trial
Feuillet d'information
The Impact of COVID-19 on Developmental Trauma for Adopted Children and Families in Ontario: Key Informant Perspectives I
Feuillet d'information
Screening or Not Screening? Unresolved Debates on the Use of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire in Routine Screening
A Place Where it Feels Like Home: The Story of Tina Fontaine
Article de journaux
Effectiveness of a trauma-informed care initiative in a state child welfare system: A randomized study.