First Nations/Quebec Incidence Study of Child Maltreatment and Serious Behaviour Problems Investigated by Child Protection Services in 2019 - Report FN/QIS-2019

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Hélie, S., Trocmé, S., Collin-Vézina, D., Esposito, T., Morin, S. & Saint-Girons, M. (2022). First Nations/Quebec Incidence Study of Child Maltreatment and Serious Behaviour Problems Investigated by Child Protection Services in 2019. Report FN/QIS-2019. Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté, 60 pages.

Find the final report of the FN/QIS-2019 (First Nations Component of the Quebec Incidence Study of Child Maltreatment and Serious Behaviour Problems Investigated by Child Protection Services in 2019). You will find comparative data on the frequency and characteristics of investigations conducted by child protection services for First Nations and non-indigenous children in Quebec in 2019. Based exclusively on clinical-administrative data, this study highlights the over-representation of First Nations children at all stages of the youth protection process, as well as important distinctions in the nature of the situations investigated within these two populations.  

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Province / Territoire
Rapport canadien sur la PE