Standards for Staffed Children's Residential Services Provided Under the Child, Family and Community Service Act 1998

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Ministry for Children and Families, British Columbia, 66 pages.

The purpose of Standards for Staffed Children’s Residential Services is to ensure consistent, high quality services for children and youth in care who live in staffed residential settings. The standards in this document are well-researched and establish a structured, useable and effective approach to providing staffed residential services to children.

The standards are mandatory and describe expected outcomes for children and youth in care, including the practical steps that caregivers and program staff must take to achieve the expected outcomes.

The standards in this document apply to individuals and organizations contracted by the Ministry for Children and Families to provide residential services to children under the Child, Family and Community Service Act in:

  • staffed residential facilities; and
  • foster homes employing more than one full-time equivalent employee
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