santé mentale

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Rapport de L’administrateur en chef de la santé publique sur l’état de la santé publique au Canada 2009 : Grandir sainement — Priorités pour un avenir en santé
Article de journaux
The contribution of childhood emotional abuse to teen dating violence among child protective services-involved youth
Feuillet d'information
The Impact of COVID-19 on Developmental Trauma for Adopted Children and Families in Ontario: Key Informant Perspectives I
Article de journaux
The lie is that it’s not going to get better”: Narratives of resilience from childhood exposure to Intimate Partner Violence
Article de journaux
The linkages among childhood maltreatment, adolescent mental health, and self-compassion in child welfare adolescents
Article de journaux
The Potential Benefits of Remaining in School on the Long-Term Mental Health Functioning of Physically and Sexually Abused Children: Beyond the Academic Domain
Article de journaux
The relation of childhood maltreatment to psychotic symptoms in adolescents and young adults with depression
Article de journaux
The relationship between early adversities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Article de journaux
The relationship between internal resilience, smoking, alcohol use, and depression symptoms in emerging adults transitioning out of child welfare
Article de journaux
The role of school connectedness in the link between family involvement with child protective services and adolescent adjustment