familles immigrantes

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Title Year of Publication
Article de journaux
Delineating disproportionality and disparity of Asian-Canadian versus White-Canadian households in the child welfare system
Article de journaux
In whose words? Struggles and strategies of service providers working with immigrant clients with limited language abilities in the violence against women sector and child protection services
Article de journaux
Non-English/non-French speaking caregivers involved with the Canadian child welfare system: Findings from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2008)
Mémoire de l'ACJQ présenté à la commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse dans le cadre de la consultation sur le profilage racial et ses conséquences
Article de journaux
From the family universe to the outside world: Family relations, school attitude, and perception of racism in Caribbean and Filipino adolescents
Article de journaux
Intimate partner violence and immigration laws in Canada: How far have we come?
Article de journaux
The Experiences of Minority Immigrant Families Receiving Child Welfare Services: Seeking to Understand How to Reduce Risk and Increase Protective Factors
Article de journaux
Your policies our children: Messages from refugee parents to child welfare workers and policy makers
Article de journaux
Prevalence and correlates of conduct disorder and problem behavior in Caribbean and Filipino immigrant adolescents