Corrections Involvement Among Albertan Youth: Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL) Report for Experiences of Albertan Youth Project

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Child and Youth Data Laboratory: Edmonton, AB.

This report is an overview of 5,178 Albertan youth (2% of youth aged 12 to 17 years) who were involved in corrections in 2008/09. Youth with corrections involvement have appeared before the Court or a Justice ofthe Peace for an offence charge and have been remanded in custody or placed under pre‐trial supervision in the community awaiting further court dates, or have been found guilty and sentenced to a community disposition (in which the sentence isserved in the community) or custody (in which the sentence isserved in a young offender facility).

Additional Information

The Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research manages The Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL). The CYDL links and analyses Government of Alberta administrative data to inform policy. Find out more at:

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