How is Jordan’s Principle related to the Tribunal?

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CWRP Information Sheet #150E. Montreal, QC: Centre for Research on Children and Families.

This Information Sheet provides an overview of Jordan’s Principle; the child welfare principle that addresses payment disputes within and between federal and provincial governments over services for First Nations children. The Principle calls on the government in first contact with a child to cover the cost of necessary health and social services and negotiate for reimbursements later. The federal government’s process of implementing Jordan’s Principle is also described. How Jordan’s Principle is related to the Tribunal is discussed, profiling the arguments submitted to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society and the federal government’s department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.  

To view the final submissions to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on First Nations Child Welfare in full, please visit:

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Feuillet d'information #150