éducation des enfants & facteurs familiaux

Cette section présente des informations sur l’éducation des enfants et les facteurs familiaux en lien avec les enfants et les familles recevant des services de protection de l’enfance.

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Title Year of Publication
Article de journaux
Depression, parenting and the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Results from three nationally representative cross-sectional surveys
Article de journaux
Characteristics of sexually abused children and their nonoffending mothers followed by child welfare services: The role of a maternal history of child sexual abuse
Article de journaux
Testing the limits: Extending attachment-based intervention effects to infant cognitive outcome and parental stress
Feuillet d'information
Tableaux supplémentaires sur les données principales de l’ECI-2008 : Âge de la personne s’occupant de l’enfant selon les principaux mauvais traitements corroborés et le risque confirmé de futurs mauvais traitements
Article de journaux
A randomized controlled trial examination of a remote parenting intervention: Engagement and effects on parenting behavior and child abuse potential
Article de journaux
A randomized controlled trial examination of a remote parenting intervention: Engagement and effects on parenting behavior and child abuse potential
Article de journaux
Burden of Dysthymia and Comorbid Illness in Adults in a Canadian Primary Care Setting: High Rates of Psychiatric Illness in the Offspring
Article de journaux
Effects of the ABC intervention on foster children's receptive vocabulary: Follow-up results from a randomized clinical trial
Feuillet d'information
Intimate Partner Violence Investigations in Ontario in 2018
Early childhood development: Adverse experiences and developmental health