Director Contact Information Child Development Institute Publications Province / Territoire - Tout -AlbertaColombie-BritanniqueÎle-du-Prince-ÉdouardinternationaleManitobaNationalNouveau-BrunswickTerre-Neuve et LabradorTerritoires du Nord-OuestNouvelle-ÉcosseNunavutOntarioQuébecSaskatchewanYukon Mots clés - Tout -approches différentiellesévaluation de programmesévaluation du risqueexposition à la violence familialefamilles & communautésfamilles immigrantesformationintervention & préventionrelation intervenant clientsanté mentaleviolence & négligence envers les enfantsviolence entre partenaires intimes Type de publication - Tout -Chapitre de livreLivreArticle de journauxPresentationRapportFeuillet d'informationAutreOther Titre Année de publication Article de journaux In whose words? Struggles and strategies of service providers working with immigrant clients with limited language abilities in the violence against women sector and child protection services 2016 Article de journaux The lie is that it’s not going to get better”: Narratives of resilience from childhood exposure to Intimate Partner Violence 2016 Article de journaux Does differential response make a difference: Examining domestic violence cases in child protection services 2015 Article de journaux Doing the right thing? (Re) Considering risk assessment and safety planning in child protection work with domestic violence cases 2014 Topics of Research exposure to intimate partner violence intervention & prevention mental health Ontario