Ontario Incidence Study Of Reported Child Abuse And Neglect - 2018 (OIS-2018)

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Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2018 (OIS-2018). Toronto, ON: Child Welfare Research Portal.

The OIS-2018 is the sixth provincial study to examine the incidence of reported child maltreatment and the characteristics of the children and families investigated by child protection services in Ontario. The OIS‑2018 tracked 7,590 child maltreatment-related investigations (7,115 investigations involving children less than one to 15 years old and 475 investigations involving 16 and 17 year olds) conducted in a representative sample of 18 child welfare service agencies across Ontario in the fall of 2018.

Domaines de recherche

Province / Territoire
Recherche canadienne en PE
Rapport canadien sur la PE