Feuillets d'information de l'ECI

Cette section contient tous les feuillets d'informations concernant l'Étude d'incidence canadienne (ECI). La présentation par défaut inclut tous les feuillets. Vous pouvez réduire la liste de résultats en sélectionnant une province, un territoire ou un mot clé à partir des menus déroulants.

Titre Auteurs Année de publication
What are the main arguments before the Tribunal? Summary Sheet

Currie, Vanessa
Sinha, Vandna

What does the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report summary say about the Indian Residential School (IRS) system and child welfare?

Churchill, Molly 
Sinha, Vandna

What is the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on First Nations Child Welfare?

Currie, Vanessa
Sinha, Vandna

What is the history of the government’s provision of child welfare services to First Nations?

Currie, Vanessa
Sinha, Vandna

What remedies have been suggested to the Tribunal and what are the arguments against them?

Currie, Vanessa
Sinha, Vandna

Sans déni, délai ou interruption : veiller a ce que les enfants des Premières Nations bénéficient de services équitables par l’entremise du Principe de Jordan

Sinha, Vandna

A profile of reported emotional maltreatment in Canada in 2008

Kozlowski, Anna
Lwin, Kristin
Fallon, Barbara

Child custody / access disputes in child maltreatment-related investigations in Ontario in 2008

Theoduloz, Ricardo 
Lefebvre, Rachael  
Saini, Michael
Trocmé, Nico

Maltreatment-related investigations involving children and youth with disabilities in Canada in 2008

Bogossian, Aline
MacCulloch, Radha
Trocmé, Nico

Maltreatment-related investigations involving children with academic difficulty in Canada in 2008: Age, gender and primary category of investigated maltreatment

Wegner-Lohin, Jaime
Fallon, Barbara