child abuse & neglect

Child abuse and neglect include acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that result in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.  The five primary forms of maltreatment are physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, emotional maltreatment and exposure to domestic violence.

For a document that outlines definitions of frequently used terms in child abuse and neglect research, see the page with the glossary of social work and child maltreatment related terms.

You can get more information on the signs of child maltreatment from the Family Violence Initiative, operated by the Department of Justice of Canada. You can also contact Kid’s Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868 for further information.

If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, or are looking for information about services for children or families experiencing difficulties you can contact your local child welfare authority. Click here to find the local child authority agency in your province or territory. Please visit our FAQs section to learn more about child abuse and neglect.

Filter by Publication Date Range
Title Year of Publication
Information Sheet
Child characteristics in on reserve investigations involving First Nations children aged 0-17 in Canada in 2019
Information Sheet
Caregiver characteristics in off reserve investigations involving First Nations children aged 0-17 in Canada in 2019
Information Sheet
Caregiver characteristics in on reserve investigations involving First Nations children aged 0-17 in Canada in 2019
Child Intervention Information and Statistics Summary Child Intervention Information and Statistics – 2021-22 Third Quarter (December) Update.
Journal article
Multisystemic Therapy - Building Stronger Families (MST-BSF): Substance misuse, child neglect, and parenting outcomes from an 18-month randomized effectiveness trial
Information Sheet
Primary Caregiver Risk Factors in Investigations Involving First Nations and Non-Indigenous Children in Canada in 2019
Information Sheet
Household Risk Factors in Investigations Involving First Nations Children Living On Reserve and Off Reserve and Non-Indigenous Children in Canada in 2019
Information Sheet
Disparities in Investigation Characteristics by Age in Maltreatment-Related Investigations Involving First Nations and Non-Indigenous Children in Canada in 2019
Information Sheet
Child Maltreatment-Related Investigations Involving First Nations Infants in Canada in 2019
Information Sheet
Child Maltreatment-Related Investigations Involving First Nations Children Aged 12-15 Years Old in Canada in 2019