Research Watch

Research Watch is a monthly journal club for faculty and doctoral students interested in child welfare research. It is a joint McGill / University of Toronto initiative supported by funds from the Royal Bank of Canada. We review empirical studies published in the leading child welfare journals from around the world and select the most salient and rigorous studies to be summarized and distributed in a monthly e-newsletter.

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Title Year of Publication Reviewed By
Causes of preventable death among children of female sex worker mothers in low- and middle-income countries: A community knowledge approach investigation Jay Zanutto, PART Canada
Strive to enhance supervised family time visits for children in foster care: Outcomes from a pilot study with randomization Kristen Lwin
Effective intervention for families receiving child welfare services: Attachment Video-feedback Intervention (AVI) Larissa Wright & Tara Black
Differential Response and the Reduction of Child Maltreatment and Foster Care Services Utilization in the U.S. From 2004 to 2017. Alessia Petrella & Nico Trocmé
Reducing Family Violence Through Child Welfare Intervention: A Propensity Score-Matched Study of Fathers for Change Isabella MacMillan & Kristen Lwin
Examining a Child Welfare Parenting Intervention for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities Dr. Nico Trocmé
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a solution-focused intervention in child protection services Alessia Petrella & Nico Trocmé
Effect of a Universal Postpartum Nurse Home Visiting Program on Child Maltreatment and Emergency Medical Care at 5 Years of Age: A Randomized Clinical Trial Jaskarun Dosanjh
Promising results from a preliminary evaluation of a child welfare parenting intervention for parents with intellectual disabilities Nico Trocme
An argument for online family-based prevention program's adaption in response to COVID-19 Tareq Hardan and Delphine Collin-Vézina