Indigenous child welfare

Canada has a decentralized child welfare system that consists of 13 Canadian provincial and territorial child welfare systems. In addition, there exists Métis, First Nations and urban Indigenous child and family service agencies that are to varying degrees affected by federal policies and funding models.

Most commonly, Indigenous child welfare agencies have signed agreements with either the federal or both the federal and provincial governments that authorizes them to provide the full range of child protection services and receive federal funding to do so.

For more information about First Nations child welfare, see Denouncing the Continued Overrepresentation of First Nations Children in Canadian Child Welfare.

For information on the First Nations human rights complaint case against the federal government for under-funding child welfare services on-reserve: I am a witness.


The estimates presented here are from the 2019 national study that collected investigation data from a large number of First Nations and urban Indigenous agencies. All results must be interpreted with caution.

Interpretations must take into account the context and structure of First Nations child welfare. See Denouncing The Continued Overrepresentation Of First Nations Children In Canadian Child Welfare: Findings From The First Nations/Canadian Incidence Study Of Reported Child Abuse And Neglect-2019 (Fallon et al., 2021) for a contextualized summary of the findings. The data presented here are weighted estimates; for information regarding the FNCIS weighting procedure see the executive summary and appendices.

Child Maltreatment Investigations, First Nations (status and non-status) and Non-Indigenous Children

 First Nations ChildrenNon-Indigenous Children
Number of child maltreatment investigations45,918241,137
Incidence of child maltreatment investigations per 1,000 children15142.11

Type of Child Maltreatment Investigations in 2019 for First Nations (status and non-status) and Non-Indigenous Children


First Nations


 Number of childrenRate per 1,000Number of childrenRate per 1,000
Maltreatment incident Investigation32,328106.31168,57029.44
Risk Investigation13,59044.6972,56712.67

Level of Substantiation in Child Maltreatment Investigations in 2019 for First Nations (status and non-status) and Non-Indigenous Children


First Nations


 Number of childrenRate per 1,000Number of childrenRate per 1,000

Primary Categories of Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in 2019 for First Nations (status and non-status) and Non-Indigenous Children


First Nations


Category of MaltreatmentNumber of childrenRate per 1,000Number of childrenRate per 1,000
Physical Abuse1,5705.1614,4592.53
Sexual Abuse5871.932,1080.37
Emotional Maltreatment1,7805.8510,9411.91
Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence6,80622.3830,7915.38

Placement in Child Maltreatment Investigations in 2019 for First Nations and Non-Indigenous Children


First Nations


 Number of childrenRate per 1,000Number of childrenRate per 1,000

Informal Placement 

(Kinship Out of Care and Customary Care)

Kinship in Care1,5895.235450.10
Foster Care (Non-kinship)1,7755.842,6770.47
Group Home/Residential or Secure Treatment2070.687570.13
Other Placement (e.g., places of safety)2050.671530.03
Subtotal: Placement Made6,14120.208,9301.56
No Placement Made39,776130.81232,20740.55
Total Investigations45,917151.00241,13742.11

Reference List

* Source: Fallon, B., Lefebvre, R., Trocmé, N., Richard, K., Hélie, S., Montgomery, M., Bennett, M., Joh-Carnella, N., Saint-Girons, M., Filippelli, J., MacLaurin, B., Black, T., Esposito, T., King, B., Collin-Vézina, D., Dallaire, R., Gray, R., Levi, J., Orr, M., Petti, T., Thomas Prokop, S., & Soop, S. (2021) Denouncing the Continued Overrepresentation of First Nations Children in Canadian Child Welfare: Findings from the First Nations/Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2019. Ontario: Assembly of First Nations.


Aboriginal child welfare services are provided in accordance with provincial/territorial legislation, as allowed by Section 88 of the Indian Act (1985). Child welfare services fall under the jurisdiction of provincial and territorial authorities. As a result, each province and territory has different legislation pertaining to child protection interventions. For more information click here.

Child welfare services on-reserve are funded through Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and subject to the regulations within the First Nations Child and Family Services section of the National Social Program Manual (last updated 2012).