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Browse the catalogue to locate hundreds of Canadian research publications related to child welfare.
We provide direct PDF links to research reports, information sheets and presentations. Because journal articles are generally copyrighted, we only provide a link to the online journals from which you will be able to purchase the articles or download them for free.
Title | Year of Publication |
Information Sheet
Qu'est-ce que la maltraitance physique des enfants?
Information Sheet
Qu'est-ce que le placement hors du foyer familial?
Information Sheet
Que sont les services de prévention en matière de protection de l’enfance?
Information Sheet
What are Child Welfare Prevention Services?
Information Sheet
What is Child Neglect?
Information Sheet
What is Child Physical Abuse?
Information Sheet
What is Out-of-Home Care?
Information Sheet
Corporal Punishment: Fact Sheet
Understanding the Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children, Families and Communities and Implications for Legal Reform in Canada
Supports and Systems to Respond to Complex Needs Among Children and Youth in Ontario