CIS Information Sheets

This section contains all information sheets related to the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS). The default view displays all information sheets. By selecting a keyword from the drop-down menu you can narrow the list of results.

Title Authors Year of Publication
First Nations Child Welfare in Nova Scotia

Kozlowski, Anna
Sinha, Vandna
Glode, Joan
MacDonald, Nancy

First Nations Child Welfare in Ontario

Kozlowski, Anna
Sinha, Vandna
Richard, Kenn

First Nations Child Welfare in Saskatchewan

Kozlowski, Anna
Sinha, Vandna
Hartsook, Gail
Thomas, Shelley
Montgomery, H. Monty

Household Composition and Characteristics in Maltreatment-Related Investigations in Ontario in 2008

Leslie, Bruce
Lefebvre, Rachael
Fallon, Barbara
Trocmé, Nico

OIS-2008: Contextual Factors to Consider when Interpreting Findings

Van Wert, Melissa
Ma, Jennifer
Smith, Carrie
Fallon, Barbara

OIS-2008: Examination of Investigations Referred to Child Welfare Authorities by Police

Fallon, Barbara
Ma, Jennifer
Smith, Carrie
Van Wert, Melissa

OIS-2008: Examination of Investigations Referred to Child Welfare Authorities by Schools

Ma, Jennifer
Van Wert, Melissa
Smith, Carrie
Fallon, Barbara

OIS-2008: Rates of Out-of-Home Placement in Substantiated Maltreatment Investigations

Smith, Carrie
Van Wert, Melissa
Ma, Jennifer
Fallon, Barbara

Previous Case Openings in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Ontario in 2008

Ma, Jennifer
Smith, Carrie
Van Wert, Melissa
Fallon, Barbara

Primary Category of Substantiated Child Maltreatment in Ontario in 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008

Van Wert, Melissa
Smith, Carrie
Ma, Jennifer
Fallon, Barbara