CIS Information Sheets

This section contains all information sheets related to the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS). The default view displays all information sheets. By selecting a keyword from the drop-down menu you can narrow the list of results.

Title Authors Year of Publication
Maltreatment-related Investigations Involving Primary Caregivers with a History of Being in Foster Care and/or Group Home Care in Ontario in 2008

Brady, Eavan
Lefebvre, Rachael
Van Wert, Melissa
Fallon, Barbara

Maltreatment-related Investigations with a Grandparent as a Primary Caregiver in Ontario in 2008

Hollingshead, Matthew
Lefebvre, Rachael
Van Wert, Melissa
Fallon, Barbara

Manitoba's child welfare system

Milne, Lise
Kozlowski, Anna
Sinha, Vandna

Saskatchewan's child welfare system

Fast, Elizabth
Simpson, Megan
Trocmé, Nico

Type of investigation, substantiation and primary category of substantiated maltreatment for First Nations children across Canada

Quinn, Ashley
Nutton, Jennifer
Blumenthal, Anne
Trocmé, Nico

Child and family poverty in Canada: Implications for child welfare research

de Boer, Kaila
Rothwell, David W.
Lee, Christopher

Physical abuse and physical punishment in Canada

Jud, Andreas
Trocmé, Nico

A Profile of Customized and Traditional Investigations in Ontario in 2008

Van Wert, Melissa
Lefebvre, Rachael
Fallon, Barbara
Trocmé, Nico

A Profile of Unfounded Maltreatment Investigations in Ontario in 2008

Lefebvre, Rachael
Van Wert, Melissa
Fallon, Barbara
Trocmé, Nico

A Profile of Unfounded Risk Investigations in Ontario in 2008

Van Wert, Melissa
Lefebvre, Rachael
Fallon, Barbara
Trocmé, Nico