CIS Information Sheets

This section contains all information sheets related to the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS). The default view displays all information sheets. By selecting a keyword from the drop-down menu you can narrow the list of results.

Title Sort descending Authors Year of Publication
Previous Case Openings in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Ontario in 2008

Ma, Jennifer
Smith, Carrie
Van Wert, Melissa
Fallon, Barbara

Primary Caregiver Risk Factors in Investigations Involving First Nations and Non-Indigenous Children in Canada in 2019

Joh-Carnella, Nicolette
Fallon, Barbara
Saint-Girons, Marie

Primary Category of Substantiated Child Maltreatment in Ontario in 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008

Van Wert, Melissa
Smith, Carrie
Ma, Jennifer
Fallon, Barbara

Prince Edward Island’s child welfare system

Gough, Pamela

Programs for youths transitioning from foster care to independence

Knoke, Della

Promotion of family wellness and prevention of child maltreatment: Which programs are effective?

MacLeod, Jennifer
Nelson, Geoffrey
Desmarais, Sonia

Providing a "life project" for young children: Implementation of a state-of-the-art practice

Paquette, Francine
Labrecque, Stéphane
Gaudet, Judith

Psychological abuse: Children's invisible suffering

Chamberland, Claire
Laporte, Lise
Lavergne, Chantal
Baraldi, Rosanna

Punitive violence against children in Canada

Durrant, Joan
Trocmé, Nico
Fallon, Barbara
Milne, Cheryl
Black, Tara
Knoke, Della

Quebec's child welfare system

Tremblett, Sarah

Trocmé, Nico

Delaye, Ashleigh