CIS Information Sheets

This section contains all information sheets related to the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS). The default view displays all information sheets. By selecting a keyword from the drop-down menu you can narrow the list of results.

Title Authors Year of Publication
Educational Neglect in Ontario

Fallon, Barbara
Van Wert, Melissa

Poverty and Ontario’s Child Welfare Involved Population

Fallon, Barbara
Van Wert, Melissa

Recurrence Rates by Child Protection Concern

Fallon, Barbara
Trocmé, Nico
Black, Tara 
Ekins, Anna  
O’Connor, Carolyn 
Betito, Paul-André 

Recurrence Rates by Urgent Protection and Chronic Need

Fallon, Barbara
Trocmé, Nico
Black, Tara 
Ekins, Anna  
O’Connor, Carolyn 
Betito, Paul-André 

Sexual Abuse Substantiation by Subtype and Outcomes of Sexual Abuse Investigations by Gender

Fallon, Barbara
Collin-Vézina, Delphine 
King, Bryn
Joh-Carnella, Nicolette
Houston, Emmaline
Black, Tara

SPI 10 Discharge Rates by Placement Type

Fallon, Barbara
Trocmé, Nico
Black, Tara 
Ekins, Anna  
O’Connor, Carolyn 
Betito, Paul-André 

Subtypes of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence Investigated by Child Welfare Authorities in Ontario in 2013

Fallon, Barbara
Van Wert, Melissa

A Profile of Intimate Partner Violence Investigations by Child Age in Ontario in 2013

Filippelli, Joanne
Kartusch, Mark
Black, Tara
Fallon, Barbara

A Profile of Investigation Type by Child Age in Ontario in 2013

Filippelli, Joanne
Moody, Brenda
Fallon, Barbara

A Profile of Risk Investigations Transferred to Ongoing Services by Child Age in Ontario in 2013

Filippelli, Joanne
Stoddart, Jill
Fallon, Barbara