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Browse the catalogue to locate hundreds of Canadian research publications related to child welfare.

We provide direct PDF links to research reports, information sheets and presentations. Because journal articles are generally copyrighted, we only provide a link to the online journals from which you will be able to purchase the articles or download them for free.

Year of Publication
Title Year of Publication
In the Matter of E.J.H and K.G.H: Administrative Fairness Investigation Report
Income Support Among Albertan Youth: Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL) Report for Experiences of Albertan Youth Project
Journal article
Intervention for maltreating fathers: Statistically and clinically significant change
Invited response to Concluding Observations for the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Canada’s 19th and 20th reports on the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Journal article
Is the cluster risk model of parental adversities better than the cumulative risk model as an indicator of childhood physical abuse?: Findings from two representative community surveys
Journal article
Jordan’s Principle: Canada’s broken promise to First Nations children?
Least and Most Advantaged Albertan Youth: Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL) Report for Experiences of Albertan Youth Project
Journal article
Looking at engagement and outcome from the perspectives of child protection workers and parents
Maltreatment‐related Intervention Services Received by Albertan Youth: Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL) Report for Experiences of Albertan Youth Project
Maltreatment‐related Investigations Among Albertan Youth: Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL) Report for Experiences of Albertan Youth Project