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Browse the catalogue to locate hundreds of Canadian research publications related to child welfare.

We provide direct PDF links to research reports, information sheets and presentations. Because journal articles are generally copyrighted, we only provide a link to the online journals from which you will be able to purchase the articles or download them for free.

Year of Publication
Title Year of Publication
Information Sheet
Strategies to enhance substance abuse treatment for parents involved with child welfare
Substance Use among Adolescents in Child Welfare versus Adolescents in the General Population: A Comparison of the Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) Longitudinal Study and the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey (OSDUS) Datasets
Information Sheet
Supervision in child welfare: Integrating administrative and clinical components
Journal article
The case for enhanced educational supports for children in public care: An integrative literature review of the educational pathway of children in care
The Chief Public Health Officer’s Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2009: Growing Up Well - Priorities for a Healthy Future
Journal article
The Experiences of Minority Immigrant Families Receiving Child Welfare Services: Seeking to Understand How to Reduce Risk and Increase Protective Factors
Book chapter
The Moving Forward Project: Working with Refugee Children, Youth, and their Families
Journal article
The Police Reporting Behavior of Intimate Partner Violence Victims
Journal article
The robust association between childhood physical abuse and osteoarthritis in adulthood: Findings from a representative community sample
Journal article
The role of parental stress, mother’s childhood abuse and perceived consequences of violence in predicting attitudes and attribution in favor of corporal punishment