
Provincial & Territorial
Title Province / Territory Year
On Their Own: Examining the Needs of B.C. Youth as They Leave Government Care British Columbia
Options Paper on the Child Death Review System in Alberta Alberta
Program Statistics - Child Protection and In-care Newfoundland and Labrador
Research Brief: Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment National
Research Brief: Resilience, Mental Health and Family Violence National
Response to the Advocate for Children and Youth Two Tragedies Report: August 2014 Status Update Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Child Abuse Protocol 2014 Saskatchewan
Taking action together on shared priorities ~ for the future of Indigenous peoples and all of Canada. Submission to the council of the federation National
The Other Side of the Door: A Practice Guide for Child Welfare Professionals working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples Ontario
Two Tragedies: Holding Systems Accountable Saskatchewan
2012 Annual Report - Saskatchewan Children's Advocate Office Saskatchewan
2012-2013 Annual Report Saskatchewan
Alberta Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2008 (AIS-2008): Major Findings Alberta
Analyse des trajectoires des jeunes des Premières Nations assujettis à la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse Rapport D'Analyse VOLET 1: Analyse des données finançières et clientèles d'AADNC Québec
Analyse des trajectoires des jeunes des Premières Nations assujettis à la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse Rapport D'Analyse VOLET 2: Analyse des données des rapports statistiques AS-480 Québec