Relying on a broadly accepted social-ecological conceptual framework, the authors assume child physical abuse to be multi-determined. Therefore, the authors suggest a multisystemic treatment approach as an appropriate intervention for children who have experienced physical abuse. The adaptation of multisystemic therapy (MST) for child abuse and neglect expands the application and extensive research of MST in fields such as serious emotional disturbance in adolescents or juvenile sexual offenders. MST is tailored on the individual family needs and on a home-based model of service delivery to overcome barriers to service access.
The study sample was based on newly opened Child Protective Services (CPS) reports of physically abused adolescents in a South Carolina county. It included 86 youth (10-17 years) and the custodial parent. The participants were randomly assigned to either MST or enhanced outpatient treatment, the standard service provided at the local public sector mental health centre. Outcome data were gathered at follow up 16 months post-baseline, including youth functioning, parent functioning and behaviour, social support, service utilization, out-of-home placement and reabuse. Compared with the control group, MST was significantly associated with reduced youth mental health symptoms, parent psychiatric distress, and parenting behaviour associated with maltreatment. MST was also significantly associated with fewer out-of-home placements and placement changes.
Methodological Notes
Relying on a broadly accepted social-ecological conceptual framework, the authors assume child physical abuse to be multi-determined. Therefore, the authors suggest a multisystemic treatment approach as an appropriate intervention for children who have experienced physical abuse. The adaptation of multisystemic therapy (MST) for child abuse and neglect expands the application and extensive research of MST in fields such as serious emotional disturbance in adolescents or juvenile sexual offenders. MST is tailored on the individual family needs and on a home-based model of service delivery to overcome barriers to service access.
The study sample was based on newly opened Child Protective Services (CPS) reports of physically abused adolescents in a South Carolina county. It included 86 youth (10-17 years) and the custodial parent. The participants were randomly assigned to either MST or enhanced outpatient treatment, the standard service provided at the local public sector mental health centre. Outcome data were gathered at follow up 16 months post-baseline, including youth functioning, parent functioning and behaviour, social support, service utilization, out-of-home placement and reabuse. Compared with the control group, MST was significantly associated with reduced youth mental health symptoms, parent psychiatric distress, and parenting behaviour associated with maltreatment. MST was also significantly associated with fewer out-of-home placements and placement changes.