Positive social support can have a buffering effect against stress, strengthen parenting styles, and in turn, lead to positive child outcomes (e.g., MacKenzie, Kotch, & Lee, 2011). This study examined the association between social support in caregivers’ social environment and maltreated children’s safety, permanency and child well-being.
The authors used data from Child Protective Service (CPS) cohort of the first National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being (NSCAW-I), which is a nationally representative, longitudinal survey of families who had a child maltreatment investigation. This study analyzed a sub-sample of 4,034 children (from birth to 15 years of age, mean age = 7.02) who were living at home at Time 1 (i.e., 2 to 6 months after the initial child welfare investigation) because the researchers believed that caregivers’ social support may not have had much influence over children who were out-of-home at Time 1. Caregivers’ perceptions of their satisfaction with social support, number of support providers, and caseworkers’ reports of inadequate social support were analyzed separately to predict child safety, permanency, and child behavioural problems, controlling for demographic information (e.g., age, gender and race of the child, and caregiver depressive symptoms, etc.).
The NSCAW-I has a longitudinal design: Time 1 data were collected 2 to 6 months after the initial child welfare investigation; Time 2 data were collected 36 months after the first investigation; Time 3 data were collected 59 to 97 months after the first investigation. Demographic information, including family income, caregiver depressive symptoms, child race, age, gender, and general health status, was collected at Time 1. Both social support measures from the caregiver and from the caseworker were collected at Time 1. Child safety was measured by whether the investigation was substantiated or not by Time 2. Child well-being was measured by internalizing and externalizing behavioural problems, assessed using Child Behavior Checklist at Time 2. Child permanency was measured by whether the child was placed in out-of-home care for an extended period of time (more than 5% of the time) between Time 1 and Time 3.
Results of this study revealed that different indicators of social support had a differential impact on child welfare outcomes. Caseworkers were more likely to report low levels of social support for caregivers whose investigations were later substantiated. When there was inadequate social support for the caregivers reported by caseworkers, children were almost twice as likely to be in out-of-home placement in comparison to the ones with adequate social support reported by caseworkers. Moreover, a greater number of support providers available was related to less child internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. Caregiver satisfaction with social support was positively related to child permanency only. Similar to previous research, social support in general was associated with positive child outcomes. This study provides empirical evidence that not only formal but also informal support is an important resource for families in child welfare system. The findings in this study also showed a consistent association between caregiver depressive symptoms and all three types of child outcomes -- higher levels of caregivers’ depressive symptoms were related to less child safety and permanency, and more child behavioural problems. Even though caregiver depression was not the primary focus of the study, it certainly deserves some attention in future research to investigate whether caregiver depression could interact or mediate the relation between social support and child outcomes.
Methodological Notes
La force de cette étude réside dans l’utilisation de deux sources indépendantes de rapports sur le soutien social et sur une approche longitudinale qui pourraient considérablement réduire le biais de variance commune. Cependant, les auteurs ont analysé chaque variable indépendante séparément (c’est-à-dire la satisfaction des donneurs de soins relativement au soutien, le nombre de personnes offrant du soutien et le rapport du travailleur social sur le soutien social) pour chaque variable de résultat (12 modèles de régression au total). Bien que la correction de Bonferroni ait été appliquée, ces analyses ne sont pas des plus minutieuses et ne peuvent pas fournir d’informations sur les sources de rapport de soutien social qui apportent des contributions uniques à des résultats précis chez les enfants, tout en tenant compte d’autres sources de rapports sur le soutien social. Les recherches futures devraient envisager d’inclure les rapports des donneurs de soins et des travailleurs sociaux sur le soutien social dans le même modèle d’analyse et examiner le rapport entre le soutien informel et les résultats positifs des enfants selon les styles de parentage et les symptômes dépressifs des donneurs de soins.