The Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL) studies issues, policies and practices affecting Alberta's children, by linking and analyzing cross-government, administrative data. The products of the CYDL enable policy makers and service delivery organizations to make better decisions related to services to children, design of programs, allocation of resources and policy analysis and development.
Alberta is the first jurisdiction in the world to establish a data lab exclusively dedicated to understanding the impacts and policy needs that will optimize the well-being and future potential of its youngest citizens...children and youth.
Participating ministries have partnered and collaborated in the design and development of The CYDL. The success of each project is dependent upon effective communications and strong collaborations with and among the partnering ministries through all stages of the research process.
PolicyWise for Children & Families manages The CYDL. Alberta's child-serving ministries who are Members of the Alberta Children and Youth Initiative (ACYI), a cross-ministry action, are funding the project. Alberta Children's Services is the lead ministry. The ministries are:
- Alberta Children's Services (lead ministry)
- Alberta Community and Social Services
- Alberta Indigenous Relations
- Alberta Education
- Alberta Advanced Education
- Alberta Health
- Alberta Justice and Solicitor General
PolicyWise for Children & Families is a public-sector, innovative resource that develops and mobilizes priority research evidence into policy. Because children and their families in Alberta share fundamental needs with children living elsewhere, The Centre’s research has relevancy and impact that extends to outside of Alberta, thus making The Centre an innovative nexus for the most important issues for children.