
Child welfare services fall under the mandate of provincial and territorial governments, including a rapidly expanding system of Aboriginal child welfare authorities. This section contains material related to federal initiatives concerned with child welfare services as well as statistics compiled at the national level.

All Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect reports can be found here.

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Title Year of Publication
Journal article
Difficult but close relationships: Children’s perspectives on relationships with their mothers in the context of domestic violence
Journal article
Gender as a predictor of posttraumatic stress symptoms and externalizing behavior problems in sexually abused children
Honouring Jordan's Principle: Obstacles to accessing equitable health and social services for First Nations children with special healthcare needs living in Pinaymootang, Manitoba
Journal article
Is the families first home visiting program effective in reducing child maltreatment and improving child development?
Journal article
Pathways linking childhood maltreatment and adolescent sexual risk behaviors: The role of attachment security
Journal article
Physical and mental health of sexually abuse youth: Gender comparisons from a matched-control cohort study
Journal article
Psychopharmacotherapy in children placed in group homes and residential centres in Canada: Psychopathological portrait of children receiving psychotropic medications and educators' perception of treatment
Journal article
Role specialization and service integration in child welfare: Does organizure influence the decision to refer to supportive services?
Journal article
Sexual abuse and preschoolers: Forensic details in regard of question types
Journal article
Testing the limits: Extending attachment-based intervention effects to infant cognitive outcome and parental stress