Comparative study of the cognitive sequelae of school-aged victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome

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Stipanicic, A., Nolin, P., Fortin, G., & Gobeil, M.F. (2008). Comparative study of the cognitive sequelae of school-aged victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Child Abuse and Neglect, 32(3), 415-428. 

This study, based in Quebec, looked at the long-term cognitive damage caused by Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) experienced in infancy. A group of 11 primary school aged children, diagnosed with SBS in infancy, was compared to a matched group of 11 healthy children of similar age. Results showed that the SBS group had significant weaknesses in intelligence quotient, working memory, mental organization, alternation and inhibition. The deficits had the greatest impact in the verbal sphere of the children’s mental functioning.

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Canadian CW research
Journal article