Outcomes in Adulthood After Long-Term Foster Care: A Sibling Approach.

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Brännström Lars, Vinnerljung Bo, & Hjern Anders. (2020). Outcomes in Adulthood After Long-Term Foster Care: A Sibling Approach. Child Maltreatment, 25(4), 383–392. DOI: 10.1177/1077559519898755

When a child is removed from their home and placed in foster care, society takes over the responsibility for that child's well-being and development. Failure to provide a child with a nurturing upbringing may have negative consequences for the child as well as for society. Using Swedish longitudinal registry data for a national cohort sample of siblings, in which some were placed in foster care and others remained in their birth parents' care, this study asks whether long-term foster care ensures improved life chances. Results from multilevel regression analyses of a wide range of educational, social, and health-related outcomes in mature adult age (16 outcome constructs) support a row of previous studies indicating that traditional long-term foster care does not seem to improve maltreated children's life chances.

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