Physical abuse among Asian families in the Canadian child welfare system

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Lee, B., Rha, W., & Fallon, B. (2014). Physical abuse among Asian families in the Canadian child welfare system. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 23(5), 532-551. 

This study examines child maltreatment investigations, child welfare placement, and transfer to ongoing services for a Canadian sample of East and Southeast Asian families. Findings revealed a higher percentage of substantiated physical abuse investigations involving the most harmful subtype “hit with object,” greater likelihood for child welfare placement despite lower rates of emotional harm, no significant differences in physical harm, and fewer identified caregiver risk factors for child maltreatment investigations involving Asian versus non-Asian families. The findings suggest differences in services experienced by Asian compared to non-Asian families in the Canadian child welfare system. This is a crucial first step for child welfare professionals and community partners to better understand and provide services to Canadian children and families.

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Canadian CW research
Journal article