Zajac, Lindsay & Raby, Lee & Dozier, Mary. (2018). Receptive Vocabulary Development of Children Placed in Foster Care and Children Who Remained With Birth Parents After Involvement With Child Protective Services. Child Maltreatment. 24. 10.1177/1077559518808224.
Children who experience maltreatment are more likely than nonmaltreated children to demonstrate deficits in early receptive language skills that negatively impact their later academic achievement, social competence, and behavioral adjustment. It remains unclear whether placement in foster care affects children's early receptive language skills. In the current study, we examined whether children with Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement who were in foster care (n = 176) had more advanced receptive vocabulary than children with CPS involvement who resided with their birth parents (n = 144). Results demonstrated that children in foster care had higher receptive vocabulary scores at ages 36 and 48 months than children who stayed with their birth parents. Group differences were not significant after controlling for caregiver education level, marital status, and household income. These findings suggest that placement in foster care may be associated with meaningful improvements in children's receptive vocabulary among children with experiences of CPS involvement, and birth parents might benefit from increased supports to promote parent-child interactions that facilitate language development.