What is Out-of-Home Care?

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Trocmé, N., Sullivan, S. & Lefebvre, R., (September, 2024). What is Out-of-Home Care? [Information sheet sheet #5]. Loving Our Children: Finding What Works for First Nations Families. https://cwrp.ca/publications/what-is-out-of-home-care

5 What is OOHC.pdf (PDF, 282MB)

This information sheet is one in a series developed by the Loving Our Children: Finding What Works for First Nations Families (Canada Research Chair in First Nations Child and Family Services Implementation 2023-2030). 

It describes the types of out-of-home placements (formal and informal kinship care, foster care, group homes and treatment facilities), short- and long-term care and family supports.

CWRP produced material
Information Sheet