What remedies have been suggested to the Tribunal and what are the arguments against them?

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CWRP Information Sheet #155E. Montreal, QC: Centre for Research on Children and Families.

This Information Sheet presents a list of remedies to be considered by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on First Nations Child Welfare should the Tribunal find that the complaint against the government of Canada, alleging that child welfare services provided to First Nations children and families on-reserve are flawed, inequitable and discriminatory, is substantiated. The remedies suggested by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, the Assembly of First Nations, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Chiefs of Ontario, and Amnesty International are listed, as are the federal government’s arguments against the proposed remedies.

To view the final submissions to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on First Nations Child Welfare in full, please visit: http://www.fncaringsociety.com/final-arguments.

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Information Sheet #155