Associate Professor Contact Information University of Manitoba 204-272-3138… Publications Province / Territory - Any -AlbertaBritish ColumbiaPrince Edward IslandInternationalManitobaNationalNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Keywords - Any -child abuse & neglectepidemiologyIndigenous child welfareintervention & preventionintimate partner violencemental healthoutcomesphysical abusephysical healthPTSDrisk factorsstatisticssuicidetrauma Type of Publication - Any -Book chapterBookJournal articlePresentationReportInformation SheetVideoOther Title Year of Publication Journal article Association of child abuse exposure with suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and suicide attempts in military personnel and the general population in Canada 2016 Journal article Child abuse and physical health in adulthood 2016 Journal article Child maltreatment and intimate partner violence among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians 2016 Journal article Individual- and relationship-level factors related to better mental health outcomes following child abuse: Results from a nationally representative Canadian sample 2016 Journal article Child abuse and mental disorders in Canada 2014 Topics of Research child abuse & neglect physical health mental health exposure to intimate partner violence intimate partner violence resilience Manitoba