CIS Information Sheets

This section contains all information sheets related to the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS). The default view displays all information sheets. By selecting a keyword from the drop-down menu you can narrow the list of results.

Title Authors Year of Publication Sort descending
Sexual abuse of children in Canada

Fallon, Barbara
Lajoie, Jules
Trocmé, Nico
Chaze, Ferzana
MacLaurin, Bruce
Black, Tara

Jurisdiction and Funding Models for Aboriginal Child and Family Service Agencies

Gough, Pamela
Blackstock, Cindy
Bala, Nicholas

Ontario’s Child Welfare System

Gough, Pamela

PIBE: Information to support research and child welfare

Lavergne, Chantal
Clément, Marie-Ève
Labrecque, Stéphane

Child abuse and neglect investigations in Canada: Comparing 1998 and 2003 data

Trocmé, Nico
MacLaurin, Bruce
Fallon, Barbara
Black, Tara
Lajoie, Jules

Detecting psychological maltreatment: Blows to the head and the heart...

Malo, Claire
Gagné, Marie-Hélène
Labrecque, Stéphane

Child Neglect in Canada

Roy, Catherine
Black, Tara
Trocmé, Nico
MacLaurin, Bruce
Fallon, Barbara

Do placement stability and parental visiting lead to better outcomes for children in foster care? Implications from the Australian Tracking Study

Knott, Theresa
Barber, Jim

Providing a "life project" for young children: Implementation of a state-of-the-art practice

Paquette, Francine
Labrecque, Stéphane
Gaudet, Judith

Children’s Exposure to Domestic Violence in Canada

Black, Tara
Trocmé, Nico
Fallon, Barbara
MacLaurin, Bruce
Roy, Catherine
Lajoie, Jules