Ontario incidence studies of reported child abuse and neglect 1998/2003: Outcomes of investigations

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CECW Information Sheet #62E. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work.

The Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS-2003) is the third provincial study to examine the incidence of reported child maltreatment and the characteristics of children and families investigated by Ontario child welfare services. In each of the three cycles, child welfare workers were asked to complete a standardized threepage data collection form at the conclusion of a maltreatment investigation. Weighted provincial annual estimates were derived based on these investigations. This information sheet examines changes in short-term service outcomes using data from the OIS-1998 and the OIS-2003. Data presented in this fact sheet examine:

  1. the provision of ongoing child welfare services;
  2. the placement of children in out-ofhome care; and
  3. the use of child welfare court.
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Information Sheet #62