Domains and Indicators of Resilient Children in Natural Disasters: A Systematic Literature Review

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Mohammadinia, L., Ardalan, A., Khorasani-Zavareh, D., Ebadi, A., Malekafzali, H., & Fazel, M. (2018). Domains and Indicators of Resilient Children in Natural Disasters: A Systematic Literature Review. International journal of preventive medicine, 9, 54.

Resilience has received increased attention among both practitioners and scholars in recent years. Child resilience has received notable attention in disaster risk reduction (DRR) during the creation of the Sendai Framework 2015-2030 to improve child protection in the event of disasters. As resilience is a subjective concept with a variety of definitions, this study evaluates its different factors and determinates in the existing research to clarify the path for the near future and objective research. A systematic literature review was conducted by searching and selecting the peer-reviewed papers published in four main international electronic databases including PubMed, SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE, and PsycINFO to answer the research question: "What are the criteria, factors or indicators for child resilience in the context of a natural disaster?" The process was based on PRISMA guidelines. In total, 28 papers out of 1838 were selected and evaluated using thematic analysis. The results are shown in two separate tables: one descriptive and the other analytical. Two main themes and five subthemes for criteria for child resilience in a disaster have been found. The factors found cover the following areas: mental health, spiritual health, physical, social behavior, and ecological, and as well as environmental. The majority of the included studies mentioned the scattered criteria about children resilience without any organized category. Although this concept is multifactorial, additional research is needed to develop this study and also observe other kinds of disasters such as human-made disasters.

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