Family Violence Risk Assessment and Safety Planning by Child Intervention Staff: An Environmental Scan

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Calgary Counselling Centre for the Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research: Calgary, AB

Risk assessment and safety planning are critical elements in work done with families impacted by family violence. Alberta Human Services: Child Intervention (HS:CI) has made protection against family violence a priority. They are continuously seeking to enhance the Casework Practice Model (CPM) used by Child Intervention staff to ensure it reflects best and promising practices in the field. The externally focused portion of this environmental scan examines information regarding risk assessment and safety planning tools and practices found within the professional literature, and electronic data sources obtained from experts in the field. The internally focused portion identifies tools and practices currently utilized within HS:CI. This internal information was collected through an on-line survey, focus groups and consultations with committee members for this project. Information from both external and internal sources is summarized in this document. 

Canadian CW report