The Journey of the Métis Settlements Child and Family Services Authority: Serving Alberta's Métis Settlement Children, Youth, and Families

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Brown, I., Chaze. F., Fuchs, D., Lafrance, J., McKay, S., & Thomas Prokop, S. (Eds.). Putting a Human Face on Child Welfare: Voices from the Prairie. Prairie Child Welfare Consortium / Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare: pp. 115-126.

This chapter provides an overview of the unique journey of the Métis Settlements Child and Family Service Authority in Alberta. It details the creation of the Authority and discusses the unique responsibilities and challenges faced in providing child welfare services to Métis Settlement children, youth, and families. It discusses the supportive role played by the Authority in the community and its joint initiative with the Edmonton Region to reconnect Métis Settlement children to their Settlement families.

Canadian CW research
Book chapter