Maltreatment‐related Investigations Among Albertan Youth: Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL) Report for Experiences of Albertan Youth Project

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Child and Youth Data Laboratory: Edmonton, AB.

This report provides a profile of 7,029 Albertan youth (aged 12 to 17 years) who were the subjects of investigations into possible maltreatment by a parent/guardian in 2008/09. In investigated cases where intervention is not needed,the file is closed (no intervention needed). Cases where  maltreatment is found to have occurred can lead to interventions that include services within the family home (out of care services), or that require the youth to be removed from their home and placed into care.

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The Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research manages The Child and Youth Data Laboratory (CYDL). The CYDL links and analyses Government of Alberta administrative data to inform policy. Find out more at:

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Canadian CW research