Physical abuse WITH and WITHOUT other forms of child maltreatment: Dysfunctionality vs. Dysnormativity - Quebec Incidence Study

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Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare & GRAVE-ARDEC: 8 pages.

The Quebec Incidence Study (QIS) collected a vast array of data on the characteristics of maltreated children reported to child protection services (CPS), their families and their immediate environment. The QIS also collected detailed information on the types and severity of maltreatment. The purpose of the present study is to contribute to the understanding of factors associated with cases of physical abuse occurring alone (n = 196) and cases of physical abuse accompanied by other forms of maltreatment (n = 406). Discriminant analysis reveals that the two groups can be differentiated along dimensions of family “dysnormativity” (physical abuse WITHOUT co-occurrence) and family “dysfunctionality” (physical abuse WITH co-occurrence).

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