Transitions out-of-care: Youth with FASD in Manitoba

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CECW Information Sheet #67E. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work.

The purpose of this information sheet is to summarize the findings of researchers in Manitoba who investigated the case histories of youths with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). These youths had been permanent wards of the crown, and had left state care because they were past the age for which it is provided under provincial legislation. This age limit is called the “age of majority.” In Manitoba, the 18th birthday is the age of majority for those in child welfare care.

This information sheet is based on one of a series of reports on children in the care of child welfare systems in Manitoba, carried out from 2004 to 2008 and funded by the Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (CECW). Two other CECW information sheets in this series can be accessed here and here.

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Information Sheet #67